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Kari G.

Christians are bored. At least that is what I used to think. Generally speaking, what I saw from people who had declared they were following Christ: they don't get drunk, they don't cuss, they spend their time at Bible study and workshops and serving the church. I thought: all the effort to be so self-disciplined; and are they trying to prove something? What do they actually do for fun? I didn't see how what they were doing was fun; I didn't see how spending all your time in obedience and a lot of time at the church was fulfilling.

This was where my head was at; and it was sinful (because I was judging someone's intentions without knowing them) and it was wrong. And I didn't get it until the Spirit shifted my perspective. When the Spirit is in you, you will start to witness the fruit of the Spirit:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (Galations 5:22-23)

And when we see these characteristics becoming more dominant in ourselves, it's not due to our own effort! This is not something we "work on", they are evidence of God working on US! And one of those characteristics being self-control. The very thing I thought was so effortful for those so involved with the church; and faithfulness - the unwavering desire to live for the Lord. I didn't know where that came from. Well isn't it perfect that it comes from God Himself?

When I gave my life to Christ, the Spirit moved in my heart and began His perfect work; He revealed how He fills my heart completely and forces it to overflow for Him and for others - and with His fruit. I now see how being around fellow believers and surrounded by the strong body of Christ IS fun: it makes me feel at home. It gives my soul warmth. It gives me a glimpse at what is to come - the true Kingdom of God. Surrounded by others worshiping, praising and glorifying our true King.

Connections with fellow believers are deeper than I could have anticipated. I think about the relationships I have had; we usually find something in common and that thread draws us together as friends. Now, when I connect on the level of Christ - with old and new relationships, it is a bond that truly allows me to be vulnerable, grow and bless others - that thread that weaves us together is eternal. The reason this is so deeply satisfying is because God created us in His image. God is three-in-one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are three-in-one: Body, Spirit and Soul. If we are not satisfying our soul with loving Him with all our might and serving and loving others made in His image, we are incomplete; and the emptiness of that gaping hole is made so much more obvious once it starts filling up.

So here is a confession: Y'all I am one of those boring Christians; I spent my most recent birthday at a Bible study. Is a night out with good friends and some wine a great alternative - one I would absolutely love? Yes! However, I was signed up for a study and frankly the Lord was using this time to really pour into me. I didn't want to miss the richness of this study that has grown my understanding and love for the Lord. To some, I was boring. They may not have understood and thought I was "trying really hard" to practice faithfulness, when that desire was infact an overflow of what God was pouring into my heart. Now let me be clear: I am not saying any of those above characteristics are completely satisfied in me. God will work on me until the day I return home, but there is zero doubt He is working on me. I am imperfect; I am a sinner in need of God's grace, but there is beautiful work actively done on His children toward holiness that is undeliable!

Turns out I am not bored at all. My soul is singing and my heart is beaming. I have never been more satisfied in the way I spend my time. It can only happen, though, when you let go, and let God.

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