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  • Kari G.


Recently, I spent some time with a very dear friend and was so encouraged by her discernment and patience in seeking what God wants from her. She finds ways currently, while she also faithfully waits for Him to continue to reveal ways she can grow His Kingdom and honor Him. Shortly after this conversation, I came across a song called "Dream Small" that offers a keen perspective (video with lyrics at the bottom) of using the simplest moment to play a role in God's beautiful love story. Thirdly, this week I hosted a book club covering a book about glorifying God with the seemingly ordinary things we do on a daily basis in the home.

With willing ears, Lord, I hear you...and so I will write :)

Conversely to above, I feel we are often burdened with a feeling that we should be doing more. Making a lasting stamp on this world we live in for such a short time. The pressure we put on ourselves can be paralyzing. I know I have wrestled with looking at this broken world and feeling like I need to figure out the perfect way to fix it. Can we all have a hand in this? Yes. But it happens incrementally and with love in the moments (both big and small) we have been given by the Lord. Instead of being paralyzed and looking to the next moment as our opportunity, I want to encourage you to look where you are NOW. Where He has perfectly put you today. How can we love Him perfectly by loving and serving others in the spot we are already standing?

And I am confident in the perfection of the little moments because I know that the same God who created an entire universe, also created each individual grain of sand. The same God who created LIFE, created every part of you and me. He is the God of overwhelmingly huge things and the God of little things - and each serves a unique purpose.

"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered." (Luke 12:6–7)

Our God remembers the birds, and He remembers every detail of you - each detail that He, in His perfect wisdom, chose specifically for YOU.

One of the ten commandments is that you shall not covet. Covet is not a word I would normally use in an everyday conversation; it essentially means desiring something that does not belong to you. This commandment carries so much wisdom because it is true of our broken nature that we often look to others and their gifts (talents, resources, skills, possessions, careers, life circumstances...there is potential for this list to go on forever) and yearn for - perhaps even envy - them because we think it may help us to be a better person or impact the world in a bigger way. It is time that is wasteful and these are planted lies (which I whole-heartedly believe is Satan deceiving our hearts; telling us that we aren't fit, we don't have what it takes, we are not worthy and we cannot do it). The truth of it is, though, that if God hasn't given you those gifts, then it is not what you are supposed to have right now. He has purpose in His gifts.

And for the gifts we do have, we should be so grateful. Looking at our gifts as a unique gift from God lends us to finding ways to perfectly put them into action. How do I find ways to use how God has equipped me to love Him and love others in the moments I am in?

And I strive to live with this grateful, intentional heart instead of living for the next moment or hoping for the next big thing; I am challenged to look at the simple moment I am in and seek to glorify God in it, find His presence in it. (Does this sound familiar? Oh yeah, I think this whole concept is what inspired me to write my blog in the first place!).

Trusting that God is graciously using me to weave together something bigger than I can see will encourage my patience in His timing of it all coming together and allow me to rest in my small part being an irreplaceable part of His story. Trust in the fact that, by serving others around us with His love, we are truly serving Him; and modeling how Jesus came here to serve us. We are making Him known.

I was inspired with what the Lord laid on my heart this past week. I hope it encourages you to more consciously identify and use the perfect gifts from your maker to make this world a better place and show others the love of Jesus. Josh Wilson sums it up and, frankly, says it better than I can. Enjoy:

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